i'm back to working on the movie, all i need is some alliminium wire and harmfull chemical clay
Do you like funny jokes and good fun-to-watch animation? Well no-can-do buckeroo we only serve vomit here
Big effin' dumb *ass
Bogshorts accademy
Joined on 7/15/24
Posted by Dallas-L-S - 15 hours ago
i'm back to working on the movie, all i need is some alliminium wire and harmfull chemical clay
Posted by Dallas-L-S - 10 days ago
Taking a break from "working" on my movie to make a very special smaller project, finished my first decent-looking clay model
her name is bo
and diesel liked her so much that he gave her a kiss.
The project likely won't be uploaded to Newgrounds on account of being a sort of Mokey-Mouse-Slunder-You-Broke-The-News-type choose-your-own-adventure story that requires the YouTube end screen to be experienced the way it's supposed to be experienced, but if you want to see it then it will be uploaded on my YouTube channel which can be found here or in my bio
(NOTE: Project likely to not be finished on account of mental retardation)
Posted by Dallas-L-S - January 3rd, 2025
sometimes i get scared that if i ever become a revered as an online creator i'll be renowned as a lolcow and not as a cool dude because i've seen everything that happened to chis chan and vivziepop and i get worried that everyone will think about me like them... i can be a cool dude i think i'm open to critisism i just don't get any because i'm too busy sitting on my arse!
Posted by Dallas-L-S - December 13th, 2024
learning how to 3D animate with a playlist of tutorials that i've been told is very useful (more useful than the donut tutorials at least) and i'm sure that i'll figure it out eventually. the lady told me it's normal to feel overwhelemdd but 3d animation is quite easy to pick up so that gi ves me a glimmer of hope. stay tuned for my next meltdown lol
Posted by Dallas-L-S - November 19th, 2024
Hello my loyal fans, take a break from sitting on the edge of your seats in anticipation for my fun new musical so you can take a look at the official logo for my very own film production company, Kool Yummy Snacks Productions.
We here at Kool Yummy Snacks Productions pride ourselves on thinking about making the greatest indie projects anyone will see. Our team consists of:
That's it. Just me. Nobody else i know wants to help me so it'll take a while.
If you think yoou have something you could bring to my project and are willing to devote your time and talent to an insolent-yet-well-mannered manchild and his pipe-dream indie film that likely won't come out on account of the fact that someone's currently plotting to snuff him out, flick us an DM detailing what you could bring to the table! No news is bad news but don't take it personally because i'm VERY particular about want and if you don't make the cut it's probably a problem on my end also don't expect this to be lucrative in ANY facet because I can not stress this out this film is very very very not likely to come out in a timeely fasion or at all actually forget whjat i said about the DM don't talk to me or look at me i;m an abomination and you'll regret it
i made my dog in the logo because he's a snack. :) also it's the photo of the time he ate the cchhristmas tree so in a sense it does have something to do with "snacking" in the loosest sense of the word
Posted by Dallas-L-S - November 15th, 2024
drawing of the four main characters of my upcoming, definitely-happening stop-motion animated musical
that's all, sty tuned!
Posted by Dallas-L-S - November 11th, 2024
i don'tlike the versuion ofg the movie poster that has my dog as much as the original, it just doesn't work because the character represented is a tiny puppy and my dog is a foot-tall bull-arab so that doesn't work as well
in other news here's some concept doodles for the film
that's all ui've got to say right now . stay tuned!
Posted by Dallas-L-S - October 31st, 2024
on account of major depression, rampant suicide idealism and overall losing interest in it like the big autistic baby i am, very little progress has been made on my indie stop-motion animated black comedy musical, "WE ALL DIE EVENTUALLY", the only contributions in the past month or so aside from a little bit more of an addition to the script and some good ideas i brainstormed while i was at work,
however i was hanging out with diesel the dog the other day and he flashed me a really big beautiful smile so i took a photo and considered putting that on the poster instead of some random dog png, what y'all think
(Original below for comparison)
this isn't how the character will look in the film, this isn't how any of the characters will look, they will not be random pngs of people that resemble the concept art
in orther news, my f
my friends whom i simultaneously miss and have unexplained feelings of resentment towards started a band recently and they might be willing to help me with the score of my film. i javen't asked thme yet but they might say yes because this could be their theratrical debut!
anyways all i have to do is finish the script and musical numbers, then start on and finish the storyboard and choreography, then start building the props and sets and characters and overall learn how to actually animate using claymation and i'm right as rain. this musical will definitely happen and i probably won't lose interest or kill myself the second a problem presents itself, which will hopefully be never
stay tuned for more updates my four loyal fans,
-dallas the movie man
Posted by Dallas-L-S - September 30th, 2024
Cover art for the stop motion movie I'm working on about a dog named Wade who dies and ventures into the depthss of hell to witness the evils of human intelligence and now that I realise it it's just Dante's Inferno but Dante is a dog and everyone's schizophrenic and it'll be out in a thousand years because I haven't finished writing it and I know nothing about how to properly do stop motion
Of course I could make it look like THE TOWN CALLED PANIC and just get static figures and move them around all funny and make it look kinda funny but it's going to be hard to make the sex scene look good if I do that. but I haven't even finished writing the film and I don't even know how it's going to end so I guess we'll just take it a step at a time and see what happens!
The Main Character's Name Is Wade.
Posted by Dallas-L-S - September 15th, 2024
i gave up on blender because it sucks but i'm giving stop motion a try, i tried making a character and he can't do anything because he has really stiff wire skeleton and really fragile playdoh for skin so give it a little while while i try to fnd bewtter molding clay
This is what it looks like my dad thought it was a bee even though there's nothing to do with bee....
I also have two little mannequin things that I painted red and blue respectively to tell them apart so i might try using them for an animation too. I really happy that i might have a good way of animation that i can do that is doable for me and i really hope a very minor thing doesn't present an obstcle that ends with me slipping back into a state of suicide idealation for three months. Expect good things. Or don't i can't garantee anything before I get reliable clay and easy-to-manipulate wires. gob bless